Thursday, November 18, 2010

entri khas untuk adilia natrah zakaria

dear cek lya,

i'm so lucky to have such a great friend like you... who'd forgive me if i forgot her birthday. hehehe..
Happy Belated Birthday!

count your life by smiles, not tears.
count your age by friends, not years.



Lya` said...

oit..slh eje nama la ahahahha..ape2 pun dh di ampun kn kelupaan ke besday an ku hehehe...

CekLa said...

oit2. asal bole ai mengglamerkan nama yu

Unknown said...

happy birthday buat beliau

Anonymous said...

hepi bufday!

Unknown said...

walaupon x kenal..selamat epi besday yer ..hehe

CekLa said...

as long as it makes her happy on her birthday!thnx all!